Thursday, May 5, 2011

Dr. Smiley

My first pre-natal appointment with Dr. KP (might as well call him Dr. Smiley... and I think I will) went pretty well. First thing, had to hop on the scale. Then offered up a urine sample for them to verify the pregnancy (check! (+)) . They estimated me at 5 weeks and 5 days, which I already knew, and my due date is December 28th. Thank yew Lots of nurses congratulating me. Had a minor physical exam and something similar to a Pap, but not a Pap. Dr. Smiley gave me the opportunity to ask a few questions, and then said that I could have my first ultrasound next week, and he thought we should be able to see a heart beat by then (!!!!). I scheduled it so Dear Sweet Hubs could be there. Then I was whisked off to the Lab, where they pulled five vials of blood for blood work. I was handed a goody bag and off I went. Doctor-approved pregnant and everything.

The not-nausea-but-general-feel-badness is slowly getting worse every day. Like smoke under a door, creepy and insidious. I've read just about every remedy in the book for morning sickness, so I feel somewhat prepared. But you never know how your body is going to react and what it's going to want. I feel the worst, first thing in the morning and would prefer to lay there in bed with my saltines, but my bladder dictates otherwise and I have to get up, at least temporarily. Then back in bed to nurse the saltines. May have to start regularly vacuuming up our bed now. Otherwise I feel just kind of blah through most of the day. And generally sleepy and not interested in doing much. I know it could be a lot worse, and I'm grateful that it's been kinda okay so far. Though I will have to admit, laying the bed this morning thinking Gawd this suuuucks and how much longer to go??

I went ahead and ordered a pregnancy book that I had been holding out on until things weren't hypothetical anymore ('From the Hips'), as well as a pregnancy yoga dvd. I love me some Zumba, but I just don't know if I can handle it anymore. And I am actually looking forward to shopping for maternity clothes (surprise, surprise; being the clothes horse that I am), but I have no idea when to start.

Happy Cinco de Mayo, btw. Hopefully I'll be up for some Moe's nachos later.

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