Gestation period: 14w6days
Energy: Occasionally, somewhat normal. Most of the time: exhausted or energy lackthereof. Putting away laundry can sometimes knock me on my butt.
Morning Sickness: Still persistent. Incrementally less?
Appetite: Nonexistent

Motivation: Nonexistent
Bleeding: Almost completely gone.
Mood: Despite all the symptoms, still pretty ok in the mental health department. But the past few nights I may or may not have laid awake thinking of all the things that annoy me about Dear Sweet Hubs.
Sniffer: Smells only slightly increased, while others have been altered completely. The formerly-lovely smell of coffee brewing now smells like tuna to me. WTH?
Belly: Still need to get around to those bump photos. Still somewhere in the range between too many french fries and prego-status.
Energy: Occasionally, somewhat normal. Most of the time: exhausted or energy lackthereof. Putting away laundry can sometimes knock me on my butt.
Morning Sickness: Still persistent. Incrementally less?
Appetite: Nonexistent

Motivation: Nonexistent
Bleeding: Almost completely gone.
Mood: Despite all the symptoms, still pretty ok in the mental health department. But the past few nights I may or may not have laid awake thinking of all the things that annoy me about Dear Sweet Hubs.
Sniffer: Smells only slightly increased, while others have been altered completely. The formerly-lovely smell of coffee brewing now smells like tuna to me. WTH?
Belly: Still need to get around to those bump photos. Still somewhere in the range between too many french fries and prego-status.
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