How your baby's growing:
Your growing baby now measures about 4 inches long, crown to rump, and weighs in at about 2 1/2 ounces (about the size of an apple). She's busy moving amniotic fluid through her nose and upper respiratory tract, which helps the primitive air sacs in her lungs begin to develop. Her legs are growing longer than her arms now, and she can move all of her joints and limbs. Although her eyelids are still fused shut, she can sense light. If you shine a flashlight at your tummy, for instance, she's likely to move away from the beam. There's not much for your baby to taste at this point, but she is forming taste buds. Finally, if you have an ultrasound this week, you may be able to find out whether your baby's a boy or a girl! (Don't be too disappointed if it remains a mystery, though. Nailing down your baby's sex depends on the clarity of the picture and on your baby's position. He or she may be modestly curled up or turned in such a way as to "hide the goods.")
How your life's changing:
If you're having amniocentesis, it'll most likely happen between now and 18 weeks. This test can identify hundreds of genetic and chromosomal disorders. If you're getting very anxious while waiting for the results, it may help to know that most women who undergo amniocentesis get good news about their babies — bringing welcome relief from their worries.
Don't be surprised if you and your partner are feeling a little stressed out these days. Many pregnant couples worry about their baby's health and how they'll handle the changes ahead. But with physical discomforts on the wane and energy on the rise, this is also a wonderful trimester for most women.
Your Baby:
- Is as big as a…wait for it…beefsteak tomato! Doesn’t that sound deliciously substantial? Am resisting urge to go pinch some produce as I type this.
- Has started “breathing” amniotic fluid in through its nose and respiratory tract, giving those lungs some very early practice for the real thing. (Late in the third trimester, you can actually watch the fetal breathing on an ultrasound, and lo, it is very cool.)
- Can sense light and pressure from outside of the womb, so if you want to get a jump start on annoying the crap out of your kid, shine a flashlight on your stomach or chase it around with the doppler wand every night. Or gently caress your belly while singing lullabies in a variety of foreign language and mediating on the Zen-ness of it all. You know, whatever your personal parenting style goes for.
- May be experiencing some of the weirder symptoms of pregnancy, many of which can start early in the second trimester. Including! For example!
- Sinus congestion! Runny nose! Stuffed-up nose! So much freaking mucus, and not in the places where you would ASSUME mucus would be involved. It’s called rhinitis of pregnancy and once again, they just blame it on “hormones.” Get yourself a humidifier or vaporizer, inhale steam in a fogged-up bathroom or try those saline nasal drops. Ask your doctor before taking any decongestant or medicated nasal spray.
- Bleeding gums! A side effect of all that extra blood you’ve got coursing through your system. (Nosebleeds are common too.)
- Skin pigmentation! The linea nigra, or that darkish line that runs down the center of your belly, sometimes shows up as soon as you start showing, sometimes much later. Moles, freckles and birthmarks can spread and/or darken. You might notice some melasma, or “mask of pregnancy” across your face, particularly if you spend a lot of time in the sun or have a naturally olive or darker complexion. A lot — but not all — of these changes will fade after you give birth. When in doubt, slather up on the sunscreen to increase your odds that they’ll be temporary.
- Forgetfulness! Pregnancy brain! Gestational amnesia! Whatever you want to call it, you probably know what I’m talking about. In the past week alone, I’ve 1) run a load of laundry without any detergent, 2) made coffee without a filter, 3) tossed a Ziploc of frozen chicken to defrost in the sink but forgot to actually seal the bag, and 4) stared at my husband for three full minutes while trying to remember his name.
Me: I was kinda hoping that with the whole Morning Sickness and Exhaustion thing, when it would go away, it would go away in a flash. Like, wake up one morning and Wham! Feeling All Better Now! But Lo, it is not to be. Just incrementally less, I suppose. Instead of lots of stomach clenching at exactly 4.5 minutes after waking and dry-heaving 3 times (my normal morning routine), this morning I only dry-heaved in the shower just once! Progress!
And the Tiredness thing. Yes, it deserves to be capitalized. Before, I was tired in the morning, ok most of the day at work, and then would go home and crash and just want to sleep. Now, I'm dragging myself to get ready, dragging myself to work, dragging myself through the workday and come 3 or 4 in the afternoon, I'm suddenly peppier and practically skip home. Dear Sweet Hubs and I then have long conversations and discuss our day while I'm cooling off from the heat. Then I have to decide what I'm going to force-feed myself for dinner, because Appetite= Still Nonexistent, but I know I have to continue to eat or I will be even more miserable.
But no other symptoms beyond that, I would say. (knock on wood!) I have developed a strange affinity for ceaser salads, which suddenly taste delicious. Probably because it's something cold to eat, and it's currently only slightly cooler than the Sahara out there. And just plain damn tasty. Oh and crisp cold watermelon is pretty good, and it helps that it's in season and you can get them practically on every corner.
Had my 14-week checkup this week, which was the first regular appointment with Dr. Smiley since the Bleeding Incident. The usual thing: weight, BP, urine sample, wait to see the Doctor. He tried the dopplar again and got the HB right away, which is always reassuring. There was also alot of scratchy 'static' sounds, and he said that it was from the baby moving around alot. Bonus points!! Maybe I'll have a soccer player some day. Or gymnast. Who knows!? The next appointment (in 4.long.weeks) will include the Anatomy US, and hopefully the baby will be a in good position to ahem, 'demonstrate the goods'! Then we can finally start talking names.
Large scale plans are in the works for closing in the dining room and converting it into a nursery. Dear Sweet Hubs will handle the construction, and I will handle the design, at least the portions that are not construction-related. Like picking out paint color, wall decals, furniture, rug, etc. I had planned on taking a 'Before' photo this morning, to start the Before/During/After Series to see how it all pans out, and just plum forgot this morning. Another day I suppose! Currently the room is mostly Coyote's lounging area, and he loooooooves the current rug in the room (but will probably have to go, as it's not super-nursery-conducive) and the chaise lounge to slumber and bark at the trespassing cats in the yard.
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