How your baby's growing:
Get ready for a growth spurt. In the next few weeks, your baby will double his weight and add inches to his length. Right now, he's about the size of an avocado: 4 1/2 inches long (head to rump) and 3 1/2 ounces. His legs are much more developed, his head is more erect than it has been, and his eyes have moved closer to the front of his head. His ears are close to their final position, too. The patterning of his scalp has begun, though his locks aren't recognizable yet. He's even started growing toenails. And there's a lot happening inside as well. For example, his heart is now pumping about 25 quarts of blood each day, and this amount will continue to increase as your baby continues to develop.
How your life's changing:
The top of your uterus is about halfway between your pubic bone and your navel, and the round ligaments that support it are thickening and stretching as it grows. You're probably feeling a whole lot better as you settle into pregnancy, too. Less nausea, fewer mood swings, and "glowing" skin contribute to an overall sense of well-being.
Soon you'll experience one of the most wonderful moments of pregnancy — feeling your baby move. While some women notice "quickening" as early as 16 weeks, many don't feel their baby move until about 18 weeks or more. (And if this is your first baby, don't be too impatient — you may not be aware of your baby's movements until 20 weeks or so.) The earliest movements may feel like little flutters, gas bubbles, or even like popcorn popping. Over the following weeks they'll grow stronger and you'll be able to feel them much more frequently.
From Alphamom:
Your Baby:
- Is a little over four inches long and weighs a little over 2.5 ounces. The chocolate bunny that I swiped from my toddler’s Easter basket weighed 3.5 ounces. But considering I shared it with my fetus, I am a good mom AND a responsible eater.
- Has fingernails and toenails, all of which will be flesh-tearing talons by the time the baby is born. For serious, pack a teensy nail file in your hospital bag if you’d rather your baby’s first pictures NOT include giant face scratches.
- Is covered with fine, downy hair called lanugo. THIS will mostly fall out by birth, so rest assured you will not deliver a giant razor-taloned gorilla baby, or something.
- Are leaving the more miserable symptoms behind in the dust, more or less. My gag reflex and appetite remained extremely sensitive until about week 16 last time, and the same held true this time around.
- Can feel your rock-hard uterus about three inches below your belly button (especially when you lie on your back). As your baby grows your uterus will continue to inch upwards out of your pelvis. Translation: YOU WON’T HAVE TO PEE SO DAMN MUCH.
- May be having very vivid but bizarre dreams. Some will be obviously pregnancy-related (the usual ones involve breastfeeding something other than a human baby or putting an animal or your baby in the oven or microwave to “cook” awhile longer), and others will be just plain weird or upsetting, like your childhood nightmares. They should be interpreted as nothing more than dreams stemming from nerves, hormones and your constant thoughts about the future. (In other words, you aren’t really going to give birth to a turtle with a full set of human teeth.)
Yesterday was the fifth year in a row that Dear Sweet Hubs and I celebrated our collective birthday(s) together. Yep, that's birthday(s), as in same day, same hospital, uh er different year. Lots of weird coincidences like that with us. For 'his' half of 'our' birthday I bought him two tickets to see Motley Cru and Poison at the Coliseum. I bought the tickets months ago, before we knew we were expecting, so I opted to let him take his oldest son with him instead. Afterwards, he said that it was the most awesome-est, spectacular, awesome-possum concert that he had ever been to (maybe not in those exact words). Despite missing seeing Tommy Lee drum upside down, I was glad to have stayed home and napped. The concert was last Friday.
Yesterday was pretty much a regular work day for me, with several well-wishes thrown in. I'm just glad a few people remembered, as most people don't. When I got home at the end of the day, Dear Sweet Hubs met me at the door with a surprise: a card and a pretty large gift wrapped in a velvet sack. It really was a surprise, in that I wasn't expecting anything. I had said earlier that I wanted my gift to be that he started on the nursery (next post will describe the plans). Anyway, first the cute/funny card. Then underneath there was another envelope, that had the Amazon packing list tucked inside. With the note to recipient: "To Mom From Baby: I hope this makes you more comfortable! I can't wait to meet you!" Isn't that the sweetest thing you have ever heard? Inside the velveteen sack was a pregnancy pillow, which kinda looks like a big twisty noodle. Or worm. It's designed to help with achy hips, joints and whatnot. I had already been price-shopping a few, so I already had my eye on them. How did he know? Smarty man, that guy I married.
I immediately brought it to the bedroom and took it for a test drive. Oh so comfy. And then didn't really leave the rest of the evening. We had tentatively planned to go out to dinner to celebrate, possibly Zea's to use up our Groupon, but I just wasn't feeling it. Maybe this weekend instead. More boxes had arrived from Amazon as well, which ended up being items off my baby registry from Aunt Sherri for my birthday. Hubs brought those to the bedroom as well, and I oohed and aahed over them, while perched in my new pillow. I'm pretty sure I fell asleep while The Office marathon was on.
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