Technically I still am in the 13th week. So, What's Going on in There?
From Babycenter.com:
How your baby's growing:
Fingerprints have formed on your baby's tiny fingertips, her veins and organs are clearly visible through her still-thin skin, and her body is starting to catch up with her head — which makes up just a third of her body size now. If you're having a girl, she now has more than 2 million eggs in her ovaries. Your baby is almost 3 inches long (the size of a medium shrimp) and weighs nearly an ounce.
How your life's changing:
This is the last week of your first trimester, and your risk of miscarriage is now much lower than earlier in pregnancy. Next week marks the beginning of your second trimester, a time of relative comfort for many women who see early pregnancy symptoms such as morning sickness and fatigue subside. More good news: Many couples also notice a distinct libido lift around this time. Birth is still months away, but your breasts may have already started making colostrum, the nutrient-rich fluid that feeds your baby for the first few days after birth, before your milk starts to flow.
Oh and this too is pretty neat (I was wondering where on earth my internal organs were going to go):
You! The Experience. Make room for baby.
Me: Nausea continues, but has become, maybe, slightly, less? Still dry-heaving nearly every morning, but it's kinda comforting in that it's not an entirely bad experience (hence the dry part) and I usually feel better afterwards. As long as I've also had some breakfast tea and lay/sit down every 10 minutes or so. And thinking positive thoughts like paddling through some cool northern lake in the fall at dawn. And as long as I'm having a good hair day and pick out the perfect, comfortable outfit with ease AND make it to work at a reasonable hour. See where I'm going with this?
Tiredness continues; can't seem to get away from that. Our cool, dark master bedroom with the wind tunnel of fans has become my sanctuary.
Showing? I would say so, depending on what I am wearing. At work not so much, as I'm usually in drapey cardigans and what-not. At home however, I throw on pajamas as soon as I get home, usually a more form-fitting tank top, and as soon as Dear Sweet Hubs sees me, he usually points out that I'm 'showing'. It is a nice feeling.
The bleeding has started up again, but it's sporadic and more on the side of 'heavy spotting'. I'll mention it at my next appointment, but I'm not ultra-concerned.
Now that I'm sleeping on my side more, hip pains have taken over. I don't know if it's pregnancy, -widening of the hips- related, or just laziness and I need to nap all the damn time- related. Just hurts.
I called a group lunch for my team at work last friday and finally made the Big Announcement. I received several Congratulations and many questions were asked, so it was nice. Though I can now start a running tally of 'Dumb Things People Say to Me' (Are you excited? Was it planned?). This week will be FB, and then the world will know!
From Alphamom.com:
Your Baby:
Your Baby:
- Is about three inches long, the size of a jumbo shrimp, or a very small ramekin of tartar sauce.
- Has his or her own unique fingerprints already.
- Has intestines on the INSIDE of his or her body. (They start developing outside the body, in the umbilical cord, and then sort of…migrate up to their proper home around 13 weeks. I know. Biology is WEIRD, dude.)
- Will look less and less like a Big Giant Head and more and more proportionate as the next weeks tick by.
- Are probably not puking anymore? But don’t freak out if you still are? I generally feel iffy until around week 16, although right now I’m only suffering from the occasional dry heave (on Tuesdays. Every damn Tuesday.) and have actual full days where I want to eat everything in sight because it’s all so gooooood.
- Are probably not as tired anymore? Unless you are me? I still can’t seem to get enough sleep or make it through the day without a catnap. Although maybe I am just very lazy.
- May start glowing soon, like everybody always talks about. The “glow” is actually just hormonal changes in your skin’s oil production, but it seems most people find it dewy and lovely instead of…ew, gross, oil.
- Your hair and nails might be changing as well — a lot of women stop shedding hair during their pregnancies, leading to very thick heads of hair that may also grow faster. Fingernails tend to get stronger and longer as well, which I can personally attest to BEING AWESOME.
Oh and this too is pretty neat (I was wondering where on earth my internal organs were going to go):
You! The Experience. Make room for baby.
Me: Nausea continues, but has become, maybe, slightly, less? Still dry-heaving nearly every morning, but it's kinda comforting in that it's not an entirely bad experience (hence the dry part) and I usually feel better afterwards. As long as I've also had some breakfast tea and lay/sit down every 10 minutes or so. And thinking positive thoughts like paddling through some cool northern lake in the fall at dawn. And as long as I'm having a good hair day and pick out the perfect, comfortable outfit with ease AND make it to work at a reasonable hour. See where I'm going with this?

Showing? I would say so, depending on what I am wearing. At work not so much, as I'm usually in drapey cardigans and what-not. At home however, I throw on pajamas as soon as I get home, usually a more form-fitting tank top, and as soon as Dear Sweet Hubs sees me, he usually points out that I'm 'showing'. It is a nice feeling.
The bleeding has started up again, but it's sporadic and more on the side of 'heavy spotting'. I'll mention it at my next appointment, but I'm not ultra-concerned.
Now that I'm sleeping on my side more, hip pains have taken over. I don't know if it's pregnancy, -widening of the hips- related, or just laziness and I need to nap all the damn time- related. Just hurts.
I called a group lunch for my team at work last friday and finally made the Big Announcement. I received several Congratulations and many questions were asked, so it was nice. Though I can now start a running tally of 'Dumb Things People Say to Me' (Are you excited? Was it planned?). This week will be FB, and then the world will know!
Hey Sistor!!! Glad things are going well for you! Where are the 'hands making a heart around the belly' pictures?!?! LOL Miss you!