The most dramatic development this week: reflexes. Your baby's fingers will soon begin to open and close, his toes will curl, his eye muscles will clench, and his mouth will make sucking movements. In fact, if you prod your abdomen, your baby will squirm in response, although you won't be able to feel it. His intestines, which have grown so fast that they protrude into the umbilical cord, will start to move into his abdominal cavity about now, and his kidneys will begin excreting urine into his bladder.
Meanwhile, nerve cells are multiplying rapidly, and in your baby's brain, synapses are forming furiously. His face looks unquestionably human: His eyes have moved from the sides to the front of his head, and his ears are right where they should be. From crown to rump, your baby-to-be is just over 2 inches long (about the size of a lime) and weighs half an ounce.
How your life's changing:
You may begin to feel heartburn (also called acid indigestion), a burning sensation that often extends from the bottom of your breastbone to your lower throat. Many women get heartburn for the first time during pregnancy, and those who've previously had bouts of heartburn may find that it gets worse. During pregnancy, the placenta produces a lot of the hormone progesterone, which relaxes the valve that separates the esophagus from the stomach. Particularly when you're lying down, gastric acid can seep back up the pipe, which causes the uncomfortable burning sensation. For many women the problem doesn't begin (or get worse) until later in pregnancy, when your growing uterus starts to push up on your stomach. The discomfort may range from mildly annoying to intense and distracting.
Alphamom says:
- Is about two-and-a-half inches long. So still in the lemon/lime range. Comparison reruns! Sorry about that.
- Already has pretty much every structure, organ and system needed for life by this point. Everything will continue to develop and mature, but your baby really is a perfect little miniature human being.
- Reproductive organs are distinctly male or female. A 3D ultrasound could possibly make a pretty good guess at the sex now.
- Can officially be Bugged By You. Reflexes have developed, so if you push on your uterus, your baby will squirm and move in response. You can’t feel it, but it sure is fun to imagine getting flipped off by your fetus.
- Are you feeling better? I hope you’re feeling better. I keep thinking I’m feeling better and then I’m not. And then I am again! And then I smell whatever it is that you’re eating over there and BLEH.
- Have a big-ass uterus now — too big to remain all low in your pelvis. It’ll sort of grow and migrate upwards during the second trimester. Pros: you won’t have to pee so much. Cons: your baby will better be able to land many, many karate chops to your internal organs.
- Are probably in some maternity clothes now, especially if this isn’t your first pregnancy and/or haven’t lost weight due to morning sickness. The whole waist-butt-thigh region is spreading, and it’s best to just go with it and be comfortable.
Roger that with the heartburn. Pre-knockedupness, I got heartburn once every, five years or so. Which I was pretty grateful for, being that it's not just uncomfortable like indigestion, it is painful. PainfulOwOwOwStabbyStabStabStabbyMakeitStopfortheloveofGawd. It reared its ugly head after dinner last night, and I really hope that it doesn't become a regular thing.
Nausea: Still all about the same. Minor hacking in the shower every single morning. Have to snack all day long to keep things tolerable. Food in general still does not ever sound appealing, but still have to force myself to eat, as an empty stomach is even worse. We have been eating our weight in fruit, especially grapes, and I have discovered these ginger crisps that are *fantastic*. They make me feel normal for a whole half hour.
Energy: Getting ready in the morning now takes that much longer, due to having to lay back down for a few minutes a couple times and sitting down with my tea and grapes to get my digestive system to cooperate so I can function. If my car was closer and if I didn't have to 'de-sahara' it due to the heat, I would be taking a few more catnaps at lunch time.
Clothing: Finally ordered a pair of maternity pants and a dress on clearance from target. The only pants that I can wear all day without undoing the zipper are the ultra-stretchy ones. Will have to head to Academy this weekend to invest in some more comfy non-work clothes.
Oh yeah, and the bleeding has stopped. Thank gawd!
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