But I have a good excuse, I really do. I have a note. (not really)
2.5 days of Warmed-Over Death.
It all started Thursday morning, as I was almost finished getting ready before I jetted off to work. I started seeing spots and then realized I couldn't read words. These are the first signs of my incredibly debilitating aura migraine headaches. I hadn't had one in a few years and also hadn't been on my anti-seizure migraine meds in a long time also. I attribute the lack thereof to a low-carb diet. Well, I kind of hung-up the low-carb lifestyle to deal with morning sickness for the time being. Sometimes a cheeseburger happy meal is the only thing that sounds remotely appealing. When I saw the spots I went into immediate denial, and thought: Surely this could not be happening. And finished getting ready and went to work. The drive to downtown proved to me that I was not just seeing things, and I made it to my parking lot and sent off a few emails to say that I wasn't coming in. Shit was about to get real. Real quick.
The drive back home was a test of willpower. Morning sickness + migraine headache nausea + interstate driving = I want to die now, thanks. I so just wanted to be at home, getting sick in the comfort of my own bathroom and not on the side of the road. For 25 minutes I clenched my teeth, breathed deep breathes, thought positive thoughts, let a few burps escape and positively flew home. I can only imagine explaining this to an officer, had I been pulled over. I'm so sorry offi- bleeeechhhhhh. I made it into my garage, put the car in park, pressed the garage door opener button, and promptly threw up in my lap, all over my pretty grey dress. That was as far as I got. I consider that an achievement. The next 2 days did not improve.
Life slowly, kinda, came back to me Saturday evening. Dear Sweet Hubs brought me some Mickey D's as he brought the boys out for dinner, and I managed to gnaw on half a plain cheeseburger and a few fries. Sunday was better. Monday (Memorial Day I had off, Hubs did not) was almost spectacular, considering how I felt.
Today I am back at work, and General Malaise and Low-Grade Nausea has returned. I nurse the symptoms, but they remain. Tomorrow I will be 10 weeks along. Considering a full-term pregnancy is 40 weeks, I guess that means I will be 1/4 done? Supposedly morning sickness eases up around the beginning of the second trimester, which is somewhere in the neighborhood of 13 or 14 weeks, depending on whom you ask. 3 or 4 more weeks? I am counting down the days.