There I was, sailing along fine with the Not Nausea but Just Feeling Bad jive, and was awoken at 1:30 the morning after Mother's Day. How apropos! Dear Sweet Hubs had bought me some lovely roses and picked out yet another perfect card to commemorate my 'To Be' status. We had gumbo and potato salad over at his mother's house and his mom even gave me a candle for being a 'stepmomma'. How thoughtful. Then I was rudely waken up early the next morning with full blown nausea, headache and even a sore throat to boot. This is way beyond general 'Badness'. So I stayed home all the next day, couldn't keep anything down and generally felt miserable. I finally felt well enough to fall asleep around our normal bedtime. The next day I felt somewhat better, enough to go to work (because come on, it's really not all that taxing, it's not like I'm waiting tables or teaching class or something). I spent most of the day staring off into space and willing myself not to get sick.
That afternoon at 4 pm, Dear Sweet Hubs met me at the OB's office for our first ultrasound. I wish I could say that I was more excited about it, but I'd been so sick that I just wanted to get it over with. "Deep Breaths", Hubs keeps reminding me. We got to see the heartbeat (150 bpm!) and otherwise it was hard to pick out much else; kinda just looked like a blob inside of a bean-shaped sack. Even my ovaries were noted and marked, and later Hubs remarked at how impressive that the advancement of the technology is today. We got some photos to take home and a cd. We talked with Dr. Smiley again and everything looks good (U/S, blood work, etc). However he did note that due to my blood type (O neg) that I will most likely have to have the RhIg shot at 28 weeks, unless Dear Sweet Hubs blood type is also a negative. He'll have to find out because he doesn't know yet. None of this was a surprise to me, seeing that I've read way too much about this stuff beforehand. I also noted my sudden nausea, and Dr. Smiley went ahead and wrote me a prescription for Zofram, just in case. I >3 Dr. Smiley.
We were planning on using one of our groupons to head to Zea's afterward as a celebratory dinner, but I really wasn't feeling up to it. Instead, Hubs made me some hashbrowns for dinner as requested, and I could only manage to choke about half of it down. I wanted it, but my stomach said No! Started taking some Nauzene (Dr. Smiley-approved) before bed and that really seemed to help.
Today's a new day and I'm feeling about 75% better. Also today I finally told my boss The News, as she kept asking how I was feeling, so I finally let her in on that I wasn't really 'sick' per se, just um.... 7 weeks 1 day along!
That afternoon at 4 pm, Dear Sweet Hubs met me at the OB's office for our first ultrasound. I wish I could say that I was more excited about it, but I'd been so sick that I just wanted to get it over with. "Deep Breaths", Hubs keeps reminding me. We got to see the heartbeat (150 bpm!) and otherwise it was hard to pick out much else; kinda just looked like a blob inside of a bean-shaped sack. Even my ovaries were noted and marked, and later Hubs remarked at how impressive that the advancement of the technology is today. We got some photos to take home and a cd. We talked with Dr. Smiley again and everything looks good (U/S, blood work, etc). However he did note that due to my blood type (O neg) that I will most likely have to have the RhIg shot at 28 weeks, unless Dear Sweet Hubs blood type is also a negative. He'll have to find out because he doesn't know yet. None of this was a surprise to me, seeing that I've read way too much about this stuff beforehand. I also noted my sudden nausea, and Dr. Smiley went ahead and wrote me a prescription for Zofram, just in case. I >3 Dr. Smiley.
We were planning on using one of our groupons to head to Zea's afterward as a celebratory dinner, but I really wasn't feeling up to it. Instead, Hubs made me some hashbrowns for dinner as requested, and I could only manage to choke about half of it down. I wanted it, but my stomach said No! Started taking some Nauzene (Dr. Smiley-approved) before bed and that really seemed to help.
Today's a new day and I'm feeling about 75% better. Also today I finally told my boss The News, as she kept asking how I was feeling, so I finally let her in on that I wasn't really 'sick' per se, just um.... 7 weeks 1 day along!

I think he/she kinda looks like a dolphin myself.
PS: Confession: Maybe I kinda was hoping for twins, so I woulnd't have to go through this twice!
Thanks for stopping by my blog!
ReplyDeleteAnd I was SUPER nauseated for 18 weeks, no amount of meds stopped the puking. I still had triggers until the end.
So... if you ever wanted to be pregnant with twins. Let me tell you, when you are 36 weeks pregnant with 12 lbs of baby and are STILL puking, you will not wish to be pregnant with twins :)
Hey Laura! Thanks for stopping by! And for the dose of reality!