There are no words to express how much I love Fall. Seeing how this is a 'blog', I will try. Hayrides and Apple Orchards? Long walks through the woods shuffling through scattered leaves? Yes, please. However, it seems it is Life's Cruel Joke that I live in south Alabama (and not TN, CO, MN, etc; nor have I ever even been to New England) and therefore only experience little snippets of Fall. Summer seems to drag on forever and ever, and before you can turn around, it's Christmas. And suddenly we are lighting neighborhood lumineers (sp?) in short-sleeve shirts on Christmas Eve. But I embrace it anyway, what little there is. In light of all this, I have put together a 'Fall To-do List' to fully embrace what is almost here. Will post as I complete them.
Fall List
1. Bake an Apple Pie (Can you believe that I've never done this??)
2. Sew something for Baby Boy.
3. Paint a pumpkin on my belly for Halloween.
4. Make s'mores.
5. With warm cider.
6. Decorate house for Fall (visit Courtney Farms or Blair's Nursery for hay bales, mums and pumpkins).
7. Make our favorite fall recipes (white chicken chili, butternut squash soup, etc).
8. Break out the festive wool scarves.
9. Turn on the heated seats in the car.
10. Make a small project with back to school supplies.

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