To give you an idea of what we are working with and what 'The Plan' is, here are some 'before' photo(s) of the ill-designed, poorly-utilized 'dining room'. (are those enough apostrophes for ya?)
Please excuse the angles, these photos don't really demonstrate all that clearly of our dining room situation. Just too many walls and furniture in the way to get a good shot.
Basically its this space that is off the foyer, and kind of part of the open-floor plan of the kitchen and living room. It's supposed to be where you stick your fancy dining room table inherited from Grandma Nana and where you host Thanksgiving. But we are so not fancy dining room people. It was kind of used during our housewarming/engagement/dual birthday party last year, but hasn't been used since, except as a resting place for the unused entertainment center and chaise lounge. And dust. Lots of dust.
Therefore, since the two other bedrooms (besides the master) gets regular use as the boy's room(s), sewing room, Hub's music area, etc; this space shall become another bedroom. Down the road, it may become a library or office, and when we go to re-sell, the room can easily transition back to being a dining room. An even fancier formal dining room, if you will, due to the pretty french doors we plan on installing.
Thus far, applicable flooring and ceiling drywall has been removed, framing installed, attic structure work secured and the column is no more. As far as the outside of the room, we put the corner at an angle, to make it feel less like this room 'juts out' into the living space, and on that wall will be a wall niche feature, with recessed lighting. Something like this:
Since this will be a 'multi-purpose' room (first nursery, later bedroom/office/dining room), the plan is to install nice, big french doors. Also to let in light into the kitchen, since we will be walling-off some of the light from the large picture window in the space. We looked at springing for special-order glass doors, and after dealing with one dealer and holy batman price too many, we decided we will order the basic model french door and just order some pretty window film to install ourselves. Like we have already done for our sidelights parallel to our front door.
And here's the progress thus far:

Except the column is now gone. You are looking straight-on to where the angled wall with wall niche will be. The big open space to the right will be where the french doors will be installed. And boy, did we go back and forth on pocket door vs sliding door vs simple swing (what, us to overthink something? NEver!). The entertainment center has been moved from its original location to the foyer currently, just to get it out of the way before the framing was put up. Anyone need an entertainment center?? The chaise lounge is still were it was..... I just love the stupid thing so much and will be heartbroken when we have to get rid of it (just no room).
And the inside! This is where my head has been spinning: furniture placement. And here, for your viewing pleasure, is a very crude (not to scale!) tentative floorplan of the nursery:

One other structural note: as of now, there is no closet. But there is a 'dead space' on the backside of our master bath, which we will cut into, to make the nursery closet. It will be very small, akin to the side of a linen closet. Hence the need for an armoire. Due to it's location and lack of space, we probably won't put a door on it (and don't want to cut into the wall to do a pocket door), and will simply swag a tapestry across the door frame. Something like this. (thanks YHL, for all your fabulous decorating and DIY ideas!)
**Update: Dear Sweet Hubs wanted his floor plan added that he designed in his fancy design program. To Scale! (just don't ask me which scale). Yes that is me sitting in the glider, Coyote patrolling the room and Baby Saltine Cracker in the crib.

The rocker has already been ordered and put on layaway at Babies R Us. While it is hella-expensive, I wanted the best for this particular item, in that I plan on spending a lot of time in it. And I did wait for a sale and got $100 off (score!), so I don't feel so bad about it.
I have been eyeing cribs left and right, and I think I have settled on this one. Am waiting a little bit to order it, so we will have a place to put it once the room is finished.
For the armoire, I have been leaning towards finding something used/antique from craig's list, consignment stores, etc. I have bought new armoires in the past and they can be pricey as well. It seems a lot of people on CL are anxious to unload theirs. I like this one and this one.
As far as the changing table, I am adamantly apposed to buying one of those craptastic pieces of furniture that function solely as a changing table. I think it would be much more prudent to opt for something that might have a future life as well, like a long dresser or something similar. I have been keeping an eye on White House Antiques to see what pops up in their inventory. Again, think distressed white antique.
So that is the plan, thus far. Check back in a few months for an update, to see how all this went terribly, terribly wrong and have a good laugh at our expense.
As far as the 'decoration', see: OWLS.
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