Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
And in an unrelated note, whom else has Adele's "Rolling in the Deep" stuck in their head??
Didn't Hailey do a fabulous (if not better) job of it on American Idol last week?
Didn't Hailey do a fabulous (if not better) job of it on American Idol last week?
fantastic video. so soulful. listen to share in my predicament.
and to compare....
It was Saturday, April 23 2011 and the day before Easter.
By then I was officially 6 days late and the day I was going to test. Only distant MN friend Kelly knew about this. I didn't want to mention it to Dear Sweet Hubs that I was going to test, as I didn't want him to freak out until it was officially Time to Freak Out. The month before last, I was 5 days late and tested, got a big fat negative, and then my period started the next day. So my thought process was that it could go either way.
I woke to early morning sunlight and Dear Sweet Hubs was still conked out, courtesy of his sleeping pills he takes on the weekends. The walgreens bag with the HPT was at the foot of the bed. I laid in bed, working out my plan to slide out of bed, quickly and quietly pick up the bag and dash off into our bathroom to test in peace, closing the door behind me. All without waking Dear Sweet Hubs. I laid there envisioning this; and also Hubs waking up just as I reached the bathroom door, crinkly bag in hand, and THEN have to explain what on earth I was doing with this walgreens bag. Finally I convinced myself that I could accomplish this (really the anticipation was killing me) and made it into the bathroom, with test, without waking the slumbering Hubs. Closed the door behind me. Closed the door to the commode closet and turned on the vent.
Briefly I read over the instructions..... okay plus/minus sign.. control window.... Got it. Provided my ahem, 'sample' and then watched the liquid (TMI? sorry! welcome to My Blog!) crawl up the tester and past the two windows. I didn't even have to put it down and wait the 2 minutes to read it.... it was a plus (Positive!) within ten seconds. Not even a faint plus, it was a PLUS. And my reaction?
Wow this is here. This is real. Something I've thought about for months and years and read everything under the sun and even went as far as started collecting baby clothes from garage sales.... all this baby craziness has culminated into this plus sign. No I didn't scream and sprint back into the bedroom, it was more a thoughtful Omg-edness. It's three days later and it still doesn't seem real. For one thing, I couldn't get an appt with my OBGYN to confirm everything until next Tuesday. So I don't think I'll be able to really wrap my brain around everything until I get the official word. My due date. How many weeks along I am. When I can get my first ultrasound. All that. Babycenter.com has estimated my due date at December 28th, 2011. I could have a Christmas baby, you never know! Gosh I'm getting excited just typing this; excuse all the italics.
Which brings us to this week; we are leaving on our first cruise EVA this Thursday. That is exactly what I thought the middle of last week, after a few days of being sans period. It would be JUST MY LUCK that I would get pregnant right before the trip, and then no full-strength foo-foo drinks for me (just virgins!) and no turning into a raisin in the hot tub. Oh well, no biggie.
Ever since we started 'trying', I have been on full-scale pregnancy symptom detector alert. Every last little thing that was out of the blue or not really normal for me caused this in my brain: "OMG WHAT IS THAT? AM I PREGNANT? IS THIS THE MONTH??". Really in everyday life I am a very calm person, but I'm sure most, if not all, women are slightly neurotic in their heads. And those symptoms now that I am officially (at least according to 2 HPT's, yes I tested again on Easter) prego? Nothing. Nada. Niente (isn't that Italian for 'no'?) No stabby boobs, cramping, spotting, morning sickness. The only slight-slight-slight personal thing that is different: a little trouble sleeping the past few weeks (and I normally sleep fantastically) and a muscle or nerve spasm in a very personal area (and that could just be in my head). That's it. Otherwise I don't feel different whatsoever. Does that mean I fall within the 2% of women that avoid morning sickness completely? Since I'm friends with some lovely ladies that suffered through hyper-emesis, one can only pray.
Plans are already in the works to close in the formal dining area (which we do not, and never will, use as such) and turn it into a nursery (and later a guest room/office/etc).
In conclusion, Welcome Blogedy-Blog World! Crazy lady is With Child!
By then I was officially 6 days late and the day I was going to test. Only distant MN friend Kelly knew about this. I didn't want to mention it to Dear Sweet Hubs that I was going to test, as I didn't want him to freak out until it was officially Time to Freak Out. The month before last, I was 5 days late and tested, got a big fat negative, and then my period started the next day. So my thought process was that it could go either way.
I woke to early morning sunlight and Dear Sweet Hubs was still conked out, courtesy of his sleeping pills he takes on the weekends. The walgreens bag with the HPT was at the foot of the bed. I laid in bed, working out my plan to slide out of bed, quickly and quietly pick up the bag and dash off into our bathroom to test in peace, closing the door behind me. All without waking Dear Sweet Hubs. I laid there envisioning this; and also Hubs waking up just as I reached the bathroom door, crinkly bag in hand, and THEN have to explain what on earth I was doing with this walgreens bag. Finally I convinced myself that I could accomplish this (really the anticipation was killing me) and made it into the bathroom, with test, without waking the slumbering Hubs. Closed the door behind me. Closed the door to the commode closet and turned on the vent.
Briefly I read over the instructions..... okay plus/minus sign.. control window.... Got it. Provided my ahem, 'sample' and then watched the liquid (TMI? sorry! welcome to My Blog!) crawl up the tester and past the two windows. I didn't even have to put it down and wait the 2 minutes to read it.... it was a plus (Positive!) within ten seconds. Not even a faint plus, it was a PLUS. And my reaction?
Wow this is here. This is real. Something I've thought about for months and years and read everything under the sun and even went as far as started collecting baby clothes from garage sales.... all this baby craziness has culminated into this plus sign. No I didn't scream and sprint back into the bedroom, it was more a thoughtful Omg-edness. It's three days later and it still doesn't seem real. For one thing, I couldn't get an appt with my OBGYN to confirm everything until next Tuesday. So I don't think I'll be able to really wrap my brain around everything until I get the official word. My due date. How many weeks along I am. When I can get my first ultrasound. All that. Babycenter.com has estimated my due date at December 28th, 2011. I could have a Christmas baby, you never know! Gosh I'm getting excited just typing this; excuse all the italics.
Which brings us to this week; we are leaving on our first cruise EVA this Thursday. That is exactly what I thought the middle of last week, after a few days of being sans period. It would be JUST MY LUCK that I would get pregnant right before the trip, and then no full-strength foo-foo drinks for me (just virgins!) and no turning into a raisin in the hot tub. Oh well, no biggie.
Ever since we started 'trying', I have been on full-scale pregnancy symptom detector alert. Every last little thing that was out of the blue or not really normal for me caused this in my brain: "OMG WHAT IS THAT? AM I PREGNANT? IS THIS THE MONTH??". Really in everyday life I am a very calm person, but I'm sure most, if not all, women are slightly neurotic in their heads. And those symptoms now that I am officially (at least according to 2 HPT's, yes I tested again on Easter) prego? Nothing. Nada. Niente (isn't that Italian for 'no'?) No stabby boobs, cramping, spotting, morning sickness. The only slight-slight-slight personal thing that is different: a little trouble sleeping the past few weeks (and I normally sleep fantastically) and a muscle or nerve spasm in a very personal area (and that could just be in my head). That's it. Otherwise I don't feel different whatsoever. Does that mean I fall within the 2% of women that avoid morning sickness completely? Since I'm friends with some lovely ladies that suffered through hyper-emesis, one can only pray.
Plans are already in the works to close in the formal dining area (which we do not, and never will, use as such) and turn it into a nursery (and later a guest room/office/etc).
In conclusion, Welcome Blogedy-Blog World! Crazy lady is With Child!
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